- What are the advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary and presidential systems of government? Which do you think is a better system?
- How do different electoral systems affect political parties?
- In what ways are interest groups and social movements similar? In what ways do they differ? Which of the two is more effective?
- Why do countries go to war? How can they avoid war?
Please note that you are allowed to bring ONE 3x5" index card to the exam. You can write whatever you would like on this card, on either side, using however small a font as you'd like - WITHIN REASON. Do NOT try to use 5-pt font to squeeze in every possible word you can; do NOT simply try to write out your essay, and then copy it into your exam book. You will have to submit your card with your exam, and I will not give credit for answers that are chiefly copied off of your card. I'm trying to give you the tools to succeed in this exam; please do not abuse my generosity.
One final note that is already in the syllabus: if you fail to show up for the exam, and are unable to produce a valid excuse WITH DOCUMENTATION, you will fail the exam.
Good luck!